Jan 25, 2017

Mansesteri - Maskin alta (Under the mask) album review

I will be making two of these posts, one in Finnish and the other in English. This is an English album review of Mansester's new album "Maskin alta". Check the Finnish version if it's better for you. Enjoy!

This post has been made in cooperation with Mansesteri.

Mansesteri is a hip hop group from Tampere, Finland. The members are Mc Mane, Vainis (Vainoharha) and their DJ, DJ Kalu. They have already 6 albums. Two of them are Gigstape-albums rechargeable from Online. In early of this year 2017, on 31th January, they will realize a new long play album called "Maskin alta" to a Levykauppa Äx (Record Store Äx), Spotify and to their own web page. They asked me to do an album review of their new long play album and tell my own opinion about it and the songs.

When I first heard the songs, I seat in peace, I put my earphones to my ears and with closed eyes I focused strictly and listened to the whole album. As a result of the first listening time, was a full paper of notes and good feelings. From the albums tracklist you can find party music as well as more deep, a story telling material. Already from the beginning I liked the most songs called  Katso mua (Look at me) and Pintaa syvempään (To the deeper surface) ft. Assi Ilona. I have been listening a lot also a globally known song which have more than over two million listening times on Spotify called Saravon Pekka ft. TFC & S011.

I will start this review right away from the albums cover. It's really unique, different and a thought-provoking. With a mask everything will be and may look normal, but then under the mask can be found the reality which can be even crazy. Jesse Lehtinen as known as Vainis rapped in his sentences in the opening song Katso mua (Look at me) (freely translated) "I will hide my face so I will not see anything anymore and for the first time I'm the real me.". It is bringing together exactly those thoughts where we live without a mask and where we are truly ourselves without a risk that we will have something to lose. It's chorus also supports exactly what you can find from under the mask in a fine eloquent way (freely translated) "Look at me now, through the flash of lightning. Under the mask can be found the same fragile human. When the lights are not shining anymore, no shackles in the legs. You can see it on your face, that you don't have nothing to lose." In the last years shows it was the whole gigs opening song. It's little dark and deep but the beat is immersively rock-style. It would be easy to perhaps sing or dance along with it. 

The whole album contains 17 songs and three bonus tracks. 

1. Katso mua (Look at me) 
2. Downshiftataan (Let's Downshift) ft. Juju
4. Legenda (Legend) 
5. Kuumottaa (Feels hot) 
6. Pahat Pojat (Bad Boys) ft. Läski Salonen ja Sarkastinen 
7. ARB
8. HippihoppiRokkari (A Hippie, Hoppie, Rocker)
9. Kermaa (Cream) 
10. Pintaa syvempään (To the deeper surface) ft. Assi Ilona 
11. Déjà-Vu 
12. Personal Trainer ft. Melu
13. Prinsessoja ja putkimiehiä (Princesses and plumbers)
14. Manifesti (Manifesto)
15. Aitoo paskaa (Real Shit) ft. Sarkastinen, Methodi ja Aladdin 
16. Ennen valopilkkuu (Before the bright spot) ft. Mitja Lepistö 
17. Oliko Wörttii? (Was it worth it?)

-  Taka-Töölö Remix ft. Henriquez, Pasanen, Zankie & Sarkastinen
- Ykköset (Number Ones) ft. Costello Hautamäki ja Jussi Aaltonen
- Saravon Pekka ft. TFC & S011 

The song Downshiftataan (Let's Downshift) ft. Juju is a relaxed song. It's easy to sing along with it. According to Markus Savolainen as known as Mc Mane's words (freely translated) "Simplicity beautiful. Sometimes it is good to slow down with your "foot on the gas so you can keep in speed." are telling that sometimes it's good to just simple things, relax and think what is important. Otherwise you won't keep up and the going is not that good anymore. And Déjà-Vu is a party song. The beat is very good and speedy. 

Pintaa syvempään (To the deeper surface) ft. Assi Ilona is equality, bullying and discrimination resist song. According to MC Mane's interview to the FUM (Finnish Urban Media) he said that "We all have some kind of personal experiences about being harassed, bullied" which is true. I believe that to all of us is pretty easy to identify to the theme and message of the song. Many people is touched by this song and it raise us up to the important things. Bullying, discrimination, humans judgement, equality and wishing it to everyone and depression are in now days pretty much present all the time. 

(Freely translated) "More valuable than gold is inside of the humans. Every person is beautiful, I hanging on to it. People judge and only sees the scars. But they don't ask what for they are. They see a beast but not the heart in it's chest. They don't see an angel, just sparkle on the top. They see the marks in our hands only as a bad thing, they don't respect the stories behind them. Don't let people overwhelm you, even they judge. I believe in you, I believe to a better tomorrow." Mc Mane's words in the first song makes me think about my own ways to handle people.Other people's condemnation is not right. When the song have a lot of different things, different layers and feelings, the music have a gripping surface. In this song there is a lot of those gripping surfaces. 

The whole album contents points in its entirety is a brave telling about what you can find under the mask and in the deeper surface with a rock-style. To balance to the album's deeper essence, there is also relaxed, immersive, danceable party songs. Maskin alta (Under the mask) is a uniform masterpiece from after many years and a lot of experience. 

I liked the whole album and it's songs a lot. I recommend everyone to listen and buy this album. The price of the album is only like about 10,00€ (euro) and it contains from the whole money enjoyable music. 

You can order the album directly from the link down below from Mansester's own web page, 

Ps. It was worth it!

- Love, RN

Mansesteri - Maskin alta levyarvostelu

I will be making two of these posts, one in Finnish and the other in English. This is an Finnish album review of Mansester's new album "Maskin alta". Check the English version if it's better for you. Enjoy!

Postaus on tehty yhteistyössä Mansesterin kanssa.

Mansesteri on tamperelainen hip hop -yhtye. Sen jäseniin kuuluvat Mc Mane, Vainis (Vainoharha) ja heidän DJ, DJ Kalu. Levyjä heillä on jo ennestään kuusi kappaletta, joista kaksi on Internetistä ladattavia Gigstape -levyjä. Heiltä tulee nyt alkuvuodesta 31.1.2017 levykauppa Äxään, Spotifyyn ja heidän omalle verkkosivulle myyntiin ilmestyvä uusi pitkäsoitto, joka kantaa nimeä Maskin alta. He pyysivät minua tekemään uudesta pitkäsoitostaan levyarvostelun ja kertomaan oman mielipiteeni levystä ja sen kappaleista.

Kun sain kappaleet ensi kertaa kuunteluun, istuin rauhassa, laitoin kuulokkeet korvilleni ja silmät kiinni tiukasti keskittyen kuuntelin koko levyn läpi. Ensimmäisen kuuntelukerran tuloksena oli paperillinen muistiinpanoja ja hyviä fiiliksiä. Levyn kappale listalta löytyy niin sopivia biletys-biisejä kuin myös syvällisempää, tarinaa kertovaa materiaalia. Jo alusta asti pidin eniten kappaleista Katso mua ja Pintaa syvempään ft. Assi Ilona. Luukutuksessa on myös ollut paljon jo yli kaksi miljoonaa kuuntelukertaa Spotifyssa saanut, maailmallakin tunnettu Saravon Pekka ft. TFC & S011.

Aloitan arvostelun heti levyn kansikuvasta. Se on oikein omaperäinen, erilainen ja ajatuksia herättävä. Ikään kuin maskin kanssa saattaa näyttää siltä, että kaikki olisi hyvin ja normaalisti, mutta maskin alta löytyykin se todellisuus, joka voi olla jopa hullu. Vainiksen eli Jesse Lehtisen räppäämät lauseet levyn aloittavassa kappaleessa Katso mua "Peitän kasvoni, etten enää näkis mitään, ja ensimmäistä kertaa olen todellinen minä." kiteyttää mielestäni juuri niitä ajatuksia yhteen, joissa eletään ilma maskia ja ollaan todellisesti, aidosti omia itsejämme ilman, että olisi jotain menetettävää. Sen kertosäe tukee myös juurikin sitä, mitä maskin alta löytyy hienon kaunopuheiseen tyyliin "Katso mua nytten, läpi salaman välähdysten. Maskin alta löytyy sama hauras ihminen. Kun valot enää ei loista, ei kahleit jaloissa. Sen näkee kasvoista, ettei oo enää menetettävää." Jo viime vuoden keikoilla se oli koko keikan aloittava kappale. Se on hieman synkkä ja syvällinen, mutta tausta on mukaansa tempaavan rock-henkinen, jonka mukana on helppo vaikkapa laulaa ja tanssia.

Levy sisältää yhteensä 17 kappaletta ja kolme bonus biisiä.

1. Katso mua
2. Downshiftataan ft. Juju
4. Legenda
5. Kuumottaa
6. Pahat Pojat ft. Läski Salonen ja Sarkastinen
7. ARB
8. HippihoppiRokkari
9. Kermaa
10. Pintaa syvempään ft. Assi Ilona
11. Déjà-Vu 
12. Personal Trainer ft. Melu
13. Prinsessoja ja putkimiehiä
14. Manifesti
15. Aitoo paskaa ft. Sarkastinen, Methodi ja Aladdin 
16. Ennen valopilkkuu ft. Mitja Lepistö 
17. Oliko Wörttii? 

-  Taka-Töölö Remix ft. Henriquez, Pasanen, Zankie & Sarkastinen
- Ykköset ft. Costello Hautamäki ja Jussi Aaltonen
- Saravon Pekka ft. TFC & S011 

Kappale Downshiftataan ft. Juju on rento biisi, jonka mukana on hyvä laulaa kertosäettä. Markus Savolaisen eli MC Manen sanat "Yksinkertaisuus on kaunista. Välillä paree himmaa kaasujalkaa, jotta pysyy vauhdissa." mielestäni kertovat siitä, että välillä on hyvä yksinkertaistaa asioita, rentoutua ja miettiä mikä on tärkeintä. Muuten ei pysy vauhdissa eikä meno ole välttämättä yhtä kivaa. Déjà-Vu taas on biletykseen sopiva kappale. Sen tausta on todella hyvä ja vauhdikas. 

Pintaa syvempään ft. Assi Ilona on tasa-arvoa sekä kiusaamista ja syrjimistä vastustava kappale. Mc Manen FUM:ille (Finnish Urban Media) antamassa haastattelussa hän sanoi, että "Meillä kaikilla on henkilökohtaisiakin kokemuksia kiusattuna olemisesta", mikä on totta. Uskon, että kappaleen aiheeseen ja sanomaan on melkein kaikkien helppoakin helpompi samaistua. Kappale koskettaa monia ja nostaa meidät tärkeiden asioiden äärelle. Kiusaaminen, syrjintä, ihmisten tuomitseminen, tasa-arvo ja sen hakeminen kaikille ja masennus ovat nykypäivänä esillä paljonkin.

"Kultaakin kalliimpaa on ihmisillä sisäl. Jokainen ihminen on kaunis, kiinni siitä pidän. Ihmiset tuomitsee ja näkee pelkät arvet. Muttei kysy, et onks ne mitä varten. Ne näkee pedon, muttei sydäntä sen rinnassa. Ei näe enkelii, vaan pelkkää kiiltoo pinnassa. Ne näkee leimat meidän käsissä vaan pahana, ei kunnioita tarinoita niiden takana. Älä anna ihmisten musertaa, vaik ne tuomitsee. Mä uskon suhun, mä uskon parempaan huomiseen." Mc Manen ensimmäisessä kappaleessa sanomat asiat antavat aihetta miettiä omaa suhtautumista muihin enemmän. Toisten ihmisten tuomitseminen on väärin. Kun kappaleessa on paljon erilaisia asioita, eri kerroksia ja tunteita, musiikissa on tarttumapintaa. Tästä kappaleesta näitä tarttumapintoja löytyy runsaasti.  

Levy sisällölliseltä kokonaisuudeltaan on rohkeaa kerrontaa siitä, mitä maskin alta ja pintaa syvemmältä voikaan löytyä rock-henkisyyden merkeissä. Vastapainoksi levyn syvälliseen olemukseen, levyltä löytyy myös rentoa ja bile-meiningillä mukaansatempaavia, tanssittavia kappaleita. Maskin alta on yhtenäinen mestariteos monen vuoden ja kokemusten jälkeen.

Tykkäsin levystä ja sen kappaleista paljon. Suosittelen kaikkia kuuntelemaan ja ostamaan sen. Levyn hinta on noin 10,00€ luokkaa ja se sisältää koko rahan edestä nautinnollista musiikkia.

Levyn voi tilata suoraan alla olevasta linkistä Mansesterin omalla verkkosivulla,

Ps. No olihan se nyt wörttii!

- Love, RN

Jan 23, 2017

Good morning - routines

I'm a girl who likes to plan things out and know what will happen next in my daily school or work days schedule. So now when my school and work have begun again, I have some routines for the mornings and evenings. I have some routines because with them I will not be that late. In the weekends and breaks I just go with the flow and situations. I will share my weekly morning routines in this post.

I have to wake up at least one hour before I have to leave the house so I have enough time to get ready. Usually my school is starting at 8 o'clock and because of that I have been waking up at about 6.30am. I'm sometimes snoozing my morning alarm from 6.15am every 10 minutes until the time is about 6.40am and I have to wake up. Few seconds after waking up I'm just thinking how sleepy I am lol. Then I make my bed look nice again. It's making me feel better for some reason.

Usually at this point Bruno have heard me and wants to give me morning kisses. In the mornings we have no lights on and because of that Bruno was ones standing at the door of my room being afraid of me lol. I had to calm him down and give him few extra kisses lol. After that will be the time to go to bathroom to brush my teeths and change my clothes. Sometimes when I remember I'm picking up my clothes before sleep but not always because I will be too sleepy already.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day so I'm trying my best to have a good one. Usually I'm having a vanilla yogurt with an healthy grain mixture (oats, wheat, barley and rye), 2 cucumber, cheese and ham breads and a fresh glass of a fruit juice. I make these in the previous night so I have more time in the morning. I'm trying to have my breakfast in 10 minutes and after I'm running to do my makeup.

Of course it would be nice to do my whole makeup routine but especially in the school mornings I'm just trying to cover my black eye circles and spots and look nice lol. After doing my makeup I'm brushing my hairs and putting them nicely but fast because at this point it's getting late already and I have to go to school. Sometimes I arrive at school at 7.45am and sometimes at 7.55am, it depends on how fast I have been and what kind of traffic is.

I need to make more these routine posts in the future.

- Love, RN

Jan 16, 2017

Time gold memories 2016

It took from me a little while to do this and go through all my thousands of pictures. But here it is finally. The year have been changing. It's hard to believe but it's already 2017. So it's time to look back and see what all I did in 2016 and what kind of year it was for me.


January was really pretty "normal" month for me if I can say so. I don't usually do my nails but then I wanted to do them. I also started to paint. I haven't paint much but I hope that I'm able to do it more within this year. I'm studying counting business and my second years spring season started in the beginning of the January. Right now I'm doing my third, last year.


Thanks to the global warming, we still had a lot of snow on February. I don't mind it, it's really beautiful but the cold it's sometimes too much. I would still prefer too cold than too hot.


The longest waiting of my life ended when our family dog Bruno came to our family on 23th March. I honestly think that he is the best dog in the world. He is a lovie and warming my heart. I can't be ever mad at him. In the first picture he is about 10 weeks old. That picture was from Estonia. . The other picture is my first actual picture of him. In that picture he is 12 weeks. He was in my brother's lap while we drived to the home. He came from Estonia and he had a long way to come. But I'm really glad because he is here with me now.


The weather was really nice on April. The sun was shining, birds were singing and I was having fun.

"Here I am just having fun."

 MAY ( V )

I was randomly taking some pictures with Bruno on my bed in one day, and this picture is one of my favourite pictures of him. He is five months in it.


In the early of June, my school's second year ended and my summer break started. I was randomly in a one meeting with my other teacher. My real class rooms teacher came. He had a lot of flowers in his arms and he gave me one and wished me happy, good life and future. That was the last time when I saw him because he moved to teach in somewhere else. In this month I was too having fun with my three best girl friends in Helsinki. We had a sleepover and we were just having fun. We went to the Kiasma (Museum of Contemporary Art) and just do normal shopping. I had so much fun.


The weather was really nice pretty much all the time. It was really hot (over +15^C which is hot in Finland lol). So it was really hot and me and my family wanted to cool us down. We went to a close lake. We wanted to see for the first time how Bruno will swim. My good boy was a good swimmer.


August was pretty busy or at least I felt that it was busy month for me. In the beginning of August I was an acting assistant in one moved (JPTJ). I was acting in the background with about 70 other actors. It will come out hopefully by the end of this year to the movie theaters. I will tell more about it nearer it. In the first picture we are filming an outdoor scene and having a party. And in the second one I'm getting my hairs and makeup done. The costume designers were also checking out that my clothes are fine. I needed to change them ones.


My 18th birthday was on 5th September. I was celebrating it twice. First I had my birthday party with my family and then with my friends. With my family, we ate well and after in the night we went to the hot tub and sauna to relax. The hot tub was outside and it was really nice to be there because it was getting cold already. A week after, I was having a sleepover with my girl friends.


For the first time ever I was in a swedish interior design store called Ikea. I was there with my mom and grandma. We didn't buy much but we spended over five hours total in there. Well what you can expect when womens go to do some shopping lol. In the other picture, I was waiting my mom from the shop in the car because they didn't allow dogs and Bruno wanted to drive lol.


My friend had her birthday party. She had a ice hockey game in the same day so me and my girl friends went to see it. I have been knowing her many years but this was still the first game where I was. I maybe have to go to see more of her games. I anyways like to watch ice hockey mostly World Championship games.

I don't have Bruno's paw marks anywhere else than this second picture. His paw mark is so cute. I need to take it in the paper and draw his picture to it too.


Christmas is my favourite holiday. I'm always even in the summer time singing Christmas songs and waiting really hard when it's Christmas again. Bruno was born in 24th December of 2015. So in the last Christmas Bruno turned one year. He is one years old in humans age and 7 years old in dogs age.

-Love, RN

Jan 10, 2017

Alphaebets of my life

As a second post and the first post of 2017 I wanted to make a alphabets of my life. I wanted to tell more about myself. 

I love animals a lot. Since I was a little girl, I've always been dreaming about having my own animal. I wanted to own a dog, a cat, a guinea pig and a hamster. And that dream came true when I had my own lovely chihuahua Bruno on 23th March 2016.

Bruno 1 years old

I'm little bit oversensitive to coffee but I love to drink it. My favorite coffee is vanilla ice coffee. I also like to drink Starbucks.

I have been dancing one year rumbita and hip hop when I was younger. I want to start dancing again. Not maybe right now but later.

Someones can think that I don't eat much because I'm this little. But believe me, I love to eat different foods. It's just that I have a very good metabolism. The most, especially at home, I like to eat little snacks and just enjoy.

My family and friends are the most important for me. I can't live without them.

"How could we not talk about family, when family's all that we got. Everything I went though you were standing there by my side." - WK

Once in awhile it's nice to have a little gym time. Put my headphones on me, listen good training music and just do my training. I do it once in awhile at home too when I have time to do it.

Right now I draw black&white pictures with normal pencils and charcoals. I love to listen to music and make my own lyrics and of course sing. But that is just for my own fun. I also do this blog when ever I have time to do so. 

Lately I haven't been updating my Instagram as much as I would like to do. But for now I try to be more active in there. You can find me on Instagram: ramona.nyman

JOULU (CHRISTMAS in Finnish). 
Christmas is my favorite and it's the most beautiful time of the year.

"When there is evil, there have to be also kindness." You have to be kind. 

LL = Love, Life 

"Music is my life and lyrics are my story." I made a long writing, throughput about my thoughts and music in 2015. The whole idea started when I wanted to gather my thoughts on the paper. Later I started to think about myself and important things for me. Thoughts and reflexions came to my mind gradually. First there was an idea of gathering my ideas, then music and then drawing few pictures. I drew four pictures from my thoughts which reflects different elements and things from my life and inspirations. It's called Pohjalta aloittaminen ja huipulle pääseminen (eng. Starting from the bottom and getting to the top). 

Daily I'm listening to music and just enjoying my day with it. 

When I have time and when it's working I like to watch Narcos, Jane the virgin and some random movies. 

In my own free time I like to spend with my babe Bruno, family and friends and my phone. 

With some things like drawing I like to be a perfectionist and do my best in the best way. It's not the end of the world if something goes wrong but I want to atleast try my best. 

At some point I want to make a Questions and Answers -post so make some badass questions for me. 

Ramona is a beautiful name and I like it. My parents told me that when I was small, in our neighbourhoods where living a guy who always called me Rähinä (eng. brawl). He said that daily and eventually my parents wanted to name me according to his words and I was christened to Ramona. It's funny because I was born in 1998 and that is the year when a really famous finnish recording label Rähinä Records Oy was founded. 

Once in awhile I like to shop new clothes and makeup. It's fun and it's making me feel good. 

In my life I haven't travel but it's something that I want to do in the future. I want to see the whole world but at first  I want to go to Canada, Argentina, USA and Australia.

I'm an very unique person who likes to do what ever I want and don't care what the others are saying.

I've always been a visual person and that's why I'm interested about drawing, music, beauty, decoration ect. Beautiful views and nature are also beautiful things for me. 

Feel good, eat in a healthy way and take of yourself. It's really important. I want that I'm able to say daily in the morning when I wake up "Good morning World. I'm feeling good today, outside but inside too.".

I have to have at least two bags of xylitol gum. Every time after eating I need to take one.   

I'm using Youtube daily. I'm watching vlogs and famous videos from different Youtubers all around the world. I also like to watch some gaming videos. I also listen my playlists when ever I'm walking to somewhere and for example cleaning the house.  You can find me on Youtube Ramona Nyman.

You have to be Zen.

- Love, RN